Editor's Letter: April 2020

Dear readers,

Welcome (to my blog with a lame title)!

I am a law student at Fordham School of Law in Manhattan. I have been an avid follower of fashion for almost 15 years, long enough to convince myself that being a lawyer in the fashion industry is my calling in life. My areas of interest are intellectual property (IP) laws and, of course, fashion. Especially, I am drawn to copyright and trademark (which people in the legal profession call soft IPs).

I know the blog title is a tad dull. Plus, the expression "fashionably late" does not necessarily carry positive connotations. So let me put a positive spin on it. I am indeed a late-comer to this blogging universe. Yet, just like any other fashion shows, my hope is to make you feel "it-was-worth-the-wait". I am "fashionably late" in that sense. Here's what I can promise: helpful yet intriguing information at the intersection of law and fashion. I will try to share my own thoughts along with accurate recapitulations of noteworthy ideas/news circulating in the legal/fashion industries.

The current COVID-19 pandemic raises novel issues for lawyers and law students alike. In the context of the sartorial, supply chains are enormously disrupted on a global scale, making it extremely challenging for manufacturers and vendors to perform contracts as planned. On a creative side, fashion shows are being postponed indefinitely (for the right reason!) and editorial/campaign shoots are expected to grind to a halt in coming weeks. Even as I am writing this greeting, New York Times reported that Macy's plans to furlough most of its workers amid the outbreak. Yet, intellectual energy need not take a break.

So here I am. Let us embark on this journey!

P.S. For all those affected by the virus, I will pray for you and your beloved ones.



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